Middle school

For students in grades 6th through 8th.

Everything you need to know and do to ensure your child is back-to-school ready!

Welcome to a new school year!

We are excited your family will be a part of our middle school. We are always looking for volunteers to lead middle school small groups, attend class field trips, help in the lunch room etc.  Please reach out if you want to know more  about how to get involved! 

I do have a special request. You know your child so much better than I ever will. If you have a few minutes, send me an email with your child’s strengths, struggles…who they really are. I want to have significant interactions with your child this school year!  

Megan Willink
Middle School Principal


“But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Corinthians 15:57

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steps to complete

Welcome new staff!

Elly Cruz, MS/HS Spanish Immersion Teacher
Rebecca Nykamp, MS Math and Science Teacher


Laptops and Schedules

Students will receive their ID card, laptop, and a printed class schedule on the first day of school during homerooms.
7th and 8th grade schedules will be emailed before the start of school. 6th graders will receive their laptops within the first two weeks of school.

When does the school day begin and end?

The school day starts at 7:45am. After 7:45am, the Middle School doors are locked, and you will need to enter through the High School doors. The school day ends at 2:35 pm.

Students also have the option of riding the shuttle bus to NPC Elementary at 2:40pm. Please reference Step #4 above for the form to complete.

HelP! My child is late or absent.

If your child will be late or absent to school, please email Becca Markle or call the Middle School Office at 616.719.5440.

If you need to pick your child up for an appointment during the school day, please call the MS office when you arrive and we will send your student out through the MS doors.

If a student knows of a vacation or day he/she will be absent, a pre-arranged absence form should be filled out. Your student can get the form on the bulletin board outside the MS office at the beginning of the day. Each of your student's teachers will initial the form and assign any homework scheduled for the day(s) of the absence(s).

Where can i find the faculty directory?

Our teachers can’t wait to meet you! In the meantime, learn a little about their life outside the classroom and hear firsthand why they thrive at NPC.

You can access the faculty directory at any time from the drop-down menu on the main NPC website.

How can parents get plugged in to the npc community?

NPC moms are welcomed to join Moms in Prayer which meets every Tuesday at 8am at the high school campus to pray for our children, their friends, classmates, teachers, and administrators! Email Val for more information.

Be a lunchroom volunteer. Whether you can commit to once a month or once a week, email Gwen Molda to help greet and feed hungry students - it takes a village!

Be a middle school small group leader! Reach out to our office for details or to share your interest.

Watch the newsletters throughout the year; we have a variety of ways to get plugged in and/or volunteer!

Where can we order mustang spirit wear?

Our spirit wear is available online at High School Fan Stand or BSN Sports. We have select apparel and gifts for purchase in the StangShack at the Middle/High School campus.

What about medication?

If your child needs to take medication during the day, the office has Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Tums, and cough drops available. If they need to take a prescription medication, please complete a Medication Form and submit to Becca Markle.


NPC will be a cell phone free campus from 7:45am - 2:35pm. If you need to get ahold of your child during the school day, please call the Middle School office at 616.719.5440. Cell Phones/Electronic devices are not permitted during the school day and will be confiscated.

Electronic items such as Nintendo Switch, IPODS, etc used for playing games or music may not be brought to class, assemblies, or chapel. We strongly discourage the bringing of such items to school for the students’ protection against loss or theft.

  • First Offense:  Cell phone will be turned into the Middle School Office for the remainder of the day.  A behavior card is filled out and given to the student.   

  • Second Offense: Cell phone will be turned into the Middle School Office and the parent will be contacted to come to the office to pick it up.  Middle School student is issued a Ninth Hour.

  • Third Offense:  Cell phone will be given to the Middle School Office every day and cannot be used until after school hours for the remainder of the semester.  

In order to protect students' privacy in bathrooms/locker rooms, no electronic devices may be used in those spaces.


These devices will only be allowed for educational purposes and with explicit teacher permission.

Class Schedule:

Important Contacts